EU-LAC Museums wins 2021 ILUCIDARE Special Prize

The Horizon 2020 funded and 2021 ILUCIDARE special prize award winning project Museums and Community: Concepts, Experiences, and Sustainability in Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean (EU-LAC Museums, 2016-2021, University of St Andrews) investigated the social, technological and cultural relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean through community museology. During technology-centred workshops, over three hundred participants digitised 3D artefacts, captured and produced spherical virtual tours and drafted Wikis to accompany digital resources. A virtual museum infrastructure was developed as a repository for project resources, which were archived for access and reuse. The project team investigated methodologies, workflows and used emergent technologies to support community museums digitisation projects. Objectives were to create museum-quality digital content using accessible hardware to demonstrate capacity to preserve, promote and strengthen community ties with their unique cultural and natural heritage.