PHIVE Series - 2nd Webinar and next events

The PHIVE project hosted the 2nd online session of a series on promotion and preservation of cultural heritage in the digital era. This time, the topic was 'Immersive Storytelling'.



Can storytelling benefit from new technology?

Storytelling is an ancient part of human activities and culture. A good narrator brings his audience into a new world, another time. In this session we discussed how new technology such as virtual reality and augmented reality can be used to give people immersive experiences. And what all kinds of media can bring to a simple narrative to evoke imagination or give information about heritage.




Marri Morrison - North Uist Historical Society, Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath (CEUT)
Known as CEUT (Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath), this dynamic local historical society was formed in October 1987 and since then has built up a collection of objects, photographs and sound archives which vividly reflect the social history of North Uist. A membership of over 300 people supports a committee of volunteers who meet regularly to promote the society’s aims and objectives, as well as organise regular events for and with the local community.


Kaye Hall - Barbados Museum and Historical Society Educational Officer
Kaye is the Education and Community Outreach Officer at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society where her tole is to pass on history, heritage and culture to my fellow citizens of all ages. "In this role, I foster partnerships with regional education bodies to ensure the propagation and revitalisation of heritage education, as well as with schools, colleges, communities and individual students to ensure that the inculcation of heritage is a rewarding lifelong learning experience."


Michelle Cox - Barbados Community College
Michelle is a Barbadian theatre practitioner and educator. Her primary interest is the safeguarding of Caribbean Intangible Cultural Heritage through the development of a dynamic teaching environment and interactive theatrical presentations.


Alan Miller - University of St Andrews
Alan has worked with digital technologies to create immersive experiences and facilitate engagement with heritage. He lectures in digital heritage and networking at the school of computer science University of St Andrews. Current projects include collaborations between University of St Andrews, CEUT, Barbados College and Barbados Historical society exploring heritage, storytelling and immersive technologies.


The webinar was streamed through the Facebook page of PHIVE.

To watch the full session, follow this link.

Stay tuned for the next webinar in the series on, scheduled for Tuesday 26th April at 1pm GMT+1!